dyzzy is - like you - another avatar of consciousness that tries to find his place in and make sense out of the unfathomable world he find's himself in.

He grew into the role of a generalist multi-media artist - self taught, but not without guidance of a handful encounters
on his path and of countless individuals he never met
and probably never will.

His interests fluctuate over a wide span of different but not disconnected art forms including music production, songwriting, live performing, graphic and fashion design, videography and photography.
However, the pathologic perfectionism his monkey mind is corrupted with, more than often keeps him from sharing most of the work he invests his time in. But be assured - he's on a daily fight to free himself of this pesky infection and finally give back as much to the world as he gratefully receives from it.

But no matter what - he pours his heart, mind and soul in everything he does for he's not creating to entertain
but to communicate.

Also the act of writing about himself out of the third person view is somewhat bewildering to him...

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